Most yeast infections are difficult to treat. For this reason, the effectiveness of therapy against them is much higher at an early stage. To cope with the disease faster, you need to know how toenail fungus begins. A person often does not pay attention to the first symptoms, which is a big mistake. By progressing, the fungus not only significantly worsens the quality of life, but also leads to serious complications in the form of complete loss of the nail plate and even sepsis.
What are foot fungus?
In medicine, a fungus is understood as a group of diseases called mycoses. They take second place after purulent lesions of the epidermis - pyoderma. A pathogenic microorganism parasitizes a person's skin or nails and causes an infection. In the first case, the disease is called dermatomycosis, and in the second - onychomycosis. There are other types of fungal infections that are secreted depending on the pathogen. There are many types of mushrooms. They are divided into anthropophilic (affecting humans) and zooanthrophilic (observed in humans and animals).
The reasons
The main risk factor for getting a yeast infection is a weakened immune system. In this case, it is easier for the pathogen to enter the body. It is easy to get infected in public places, especially with high humidity and temperature, for example, a swimming pool, gym, sauna, steam room. Risk factors for fungal disease also include:
- flatfoot;
- inadequate personal hygiene;
- circulatory disorders in the lower extremities;
- increased sweating;
- frequent trauma to the skin;
- obesity.
These are common causes of yeast infections. Common is the causative agent of the disease itself. Depending on the parasitic fungus, a person can develop the following types of infections:
- Epidermophytosis. It is observed when the skin and nails are affected by anthropophilic fungi with dermatophytes (dermatomycetes) of three types: Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton. You can get this infection through household items. The risk group includes men of mature age, especially with excessive sweating of the legs.
- Trichophytosis. It is caused by trichophyton fungi, which are particularly infectious. Trichophytosis is also seen in children and adolescents. Workers in showers, baths, hot workshops are more susceptible.
- CandidiasisIt is seen less frequently than other forms of fungal infection. Yeast fungi of the genus Candida are conditionally considered pathogenic, because they become activated when immunity is weakened.
- Rubromycosis. This is a type of ringworm caused by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. Due to the high enzyme activity, the pathogen causes damage to the skin of the feet in large skin folds. Long, fluffy hairs are less often affected. Rubromycosis accounts for 60-80% of all fungal foot infections.
- Onychomycosis of the feet. This is a fungal disease of the nail plates caused by different types of pathogenic fungi. One or more nails are affected. If the infection is not treated, the plaques are completely destroyed.

Pathways of infection
The probability of infection is higher in children, since their thin skin makes them more susceptible to any microorganism. Risk factors include a weakened immune system, problems with the nervous or endocrine system, the presence of chronic pathologies, and an altered sweat composition. There are several ways to get a yeast infection. They are divided into two main groups:
- Right. Infection occurs through plants, soil, contact with a sick person or animal.
- Indirect. In this case, you can become infected by using personal items from an infected person or those you used.
Symptoms of a foot fungus.
A well-studied clinical picture of yeast infections helps to identify them at an early stage. Damage to the nail and soft tissue structures is visible at the injury site with the naked eye. Common fungal symptoms are reflected in the following list:
- discoloration of the nail plate to light yellow at an early stage, and then to yellow, brown, light green and even black;
- itching sensation in the periungual area;
- unpleasant smell;
- hyperkeratosis, it is dethickening of the nail plate or its thinning;
- deformation of the free edge of the nail;
- peeling of the skin around the nail plate and in the interdigital spaces;
- calluses and calluses on the foot;
- fragility of the nail, its crumbling;
- redness of the skin around the nail plate.
Epidermophytosis and Trichophytosis
These forms of fungal infections proceed in much the same way, which is why they were combined into a group of diseases. They are called "mycosis of the foot. "Depending on the form, the infection manifests itself in different symptoms. Often a patient has several types of fungus combined at the same time. For this reason, the division of the mushroom into forms is conditional:
- scaly or flaky;
- dyshidrotic, which is accompanied by disturbance of the sweat glands;
- intertrigious, showing diaper rash on the skin;
- Hypertrophic, atrophic, or normotrophic onychomycosis.
Scaly form of foot fungus
The initial stage of the fungus on the legs in this form is characterized by the defeat of only one foot. The infection passes to another only later. The disease can be recognized by the following signs:
- the appearance of a reddened area on the skin of the foot;
- in the future, this area begins to peel off (the affected areas may have a different area);
- some patients are itchy.
The difficulty in diagnosing and treating the scaly form is that many patients are not concerned with the symptoms. Because of this, they go to the doctor at an advanced stage. If the scaly form of the yeast infection continues for a long time, it can take on a dyshidrotic appearance. These two forms are interconnected, which is why they often cause the other to appear.

Dyshidrotic form
This form is characterized by a course with a change in the periods of remission and relapses. Its first symptom is the appearance of bubbles in the arch of the foot (more than one), where it does not come into contact with the ground when walking. Its size varies from 2 to 8 mm. Gradually, they begin to merge, merging into one large one. In addition, each bubble opens and in its place is a superficial skin lesion: erosion.
In addition to the arch of the foot, its inner and outer lateral surfaces can become infected. At the site of ulceration of the vesicles, a large erosion remains, combined with diaper rash. The patient also complains of the following symptoms:
- pain and itching at the injury site;
- after the erosion dries up, it begins to peel off, resulting in the development of a scaly form;
- a bacterial infection gradually joins, due to which the contents of the vesicles become cloudy, purulent (in this case, antibiotics should be taken);
- In the next stage, the skin of the foot becomes red, swollen, the patient has severe pain and even fever.
Intertrigue way
Among all forms of trichophytosis and epidermophytosis, it is the most common. It develops on its own or in the context of a type of scaly fungus. It is celebrated more frequently in the summer season. In winter, there is a period of remission. The disease is chronic and long-lasting. The beginning of the process can be seen between 4 and 5 fingers, less frequently between 3 and 4. The first signs of an intertrigious form:
- cracks and maceration in the skin with a whitish border around it, which is formed by the exfoliating epidermis (superficial layer of the skin);
- itching and burning sensation at the injury site;
- crying in the interdigital space;
- the appearance of erosion cracks at the site, accompanied by a severe pain syndrome.
As the disease progresses, the skin becomes loose, so its protective function diminishes. This increases the risk of developing a strep infection. It manifests as pustular inflammation, which is accompanied by swelling, redness, and pain in the skin. In this context, an increase in body temperature is observed. The patient complains of a general deterioration in well-being.
Onychomycosis of the feet
This disease in 70-75% of cases affects 3 and 4 toes, less frequently - 1 and 5. Often, onychomycosis proceeds in the form of a normotrophic form, in which the color of the nail changes to yellow and its integrity is preserved. . In case of fungal infection of mold, the infection develops against the background of other diseases. the nail turns yellow, brown, or black.
Onychomycosis can be detected at an early stage by yellow spots and stripes on the nail plate. Pathological changes are first seen near its free edge. Depending on the form of onychomycosis, it manifests itself in the following symptoms:
- HypertrophicIt is accompanied by thickening and yellowing of the nail plate. It crumbles easily and the skin underneath begins to peel off, it becomes thicker.
- Atrophic. The nail plate, on the other hand, becomes thinner. Rough skin is also exposed under it.

Treatment of the initial stage of the fungus on the feet.
In the early stages of infection, topical preparations are used in the form of ointments, gels, patches, solutions, varnishes, sprays, and liquids. They are effective by acting directly on the site of inflammation. Gel and suspension, and heel skin ointment are more suitable for the interdigital spaces. The initial stage of toenail fungus is treated with antifungal varnishes and solutions.
If the disease has advanced by one stage, then a systemic drug is required. They are used in the form of tablets and capsules. They destroy the infection from the inside out. In the initial stage, the use of tablets and capsules is irrational due to the greater number of side effects compared to local agents. In addition to medication, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene. This should be done as follows:
- wear closed slippers, do not walk home barefoot;
- treat shoes 2 times a day with special disinfectants;
- wash the patient's clothes separately from all other things;
- wash your feet daily and then treat them with antifungal agents;
- do wet cleaning in the room every day, ventilate;
- after bathing, rinse thoroughly with hot water;
- change socks daily;
- After recovery, throw away the patient's socks, towels, shoes, washcloths, and other things.
To prevent possible relapses of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. For this, the patient is prescribed immunomodulators and vitamins. The basis of both external and systemic therapy are antifungal medications. When a bacterial infection sticks, antibacterial drugs are used. Sometimes antihistamines are prescribed to relieve allergies.
Medications for foot fungus
Knowing what nail fungus looks like in the initial stage, you can notice it much earlier. This will ensure a faster recovery. The effectiveness of therapy also depends on the correct drug. There are many antifungal agents in the form of tablets, ointments, gels. To use drugs correctly, you need to study their main characteristics:
Active substance | Mechanism of action |
Application method, effect |
A course of treatment |
Contraindications |
Naphthyphin Hydrochloride |
It destroys the causative agents of the mycoses of the feet, some bacteria. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. |
Rub the cream or solution on clean skin 2 times a day. |
2-4 weeks. |
Pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years. |
Natamycin |
Effective against all foot fungal pathogens. |
Apply the suspension or cream several times a day on the affected skin. |
Determined by a doctor. |
Sensitivity to the components of the product. |
Clotrimazole |
Many other antifungal agents have been synthesized on the basis of this substance. Clotrimazole has a wide spectrum of action. |
Apply to clean and dry skin 2-3 times a day. |
1-4 weeks + 3 more weeks after recovery. |
Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole. |
Econazole |
It is effective against many fungal pathogens, including mold and yeast fungi. |
Apply cream, lotion, solution or spray 1-3 times a day on the skin of the feet. |
2-4 weeks. |
The pregnancy. |
Itraconazole |
A wide range of activity against all fungal pathogens. |
2 capsules 2 times a day - with onychomycosis; 0. 1-0. 2 g 2 times a day, with mycosis of the feet. |
7 days, then a 3-week break, with onychomycosis; 1-2 weeks - with mycosis of the feet. |
Pregnancy, lactation, simultaneous use with midozolam, nisoldipine, ergot alkaloids. |
Sertaconazole |
Fungicidal and fungicidal action against candidiasis and trichophyton fungi. |
Apply a small amount of cream to the affected areas twice a day. |
Up to 4 weeks. |
Pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, childhood. |
Terbinafine |
Destroy yeast pathogens, trichophytos, emidermophytos. |
0. 25 g 1-2 times a day. |
6 weeks, with damage to the nail plates - 12 weeks. |
Kidney and liver dysfunction, malignant neoplasms, pregnancy, lactation, vascular diseases of the legs. |
Fluconazole |
High activity against yeast fungi. |
150 mg every week or 50 mg a day. |
6 weeks. |
Pregnancy, lactation, childhood. |
Griseofulvin |
Fungistatic effect against pathogenic fungi. |
16 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day for the first month of treatment; also in the same dose, but every two days; in the third month according to the second scheme, until healthy nails grow back. Apply the ointment no more than 30 g per day. |
For tablets - 3 months, for ointments - 3 weeks. |
Dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, decreased number of leukocytes in the blood, pregnancy, lactation, malignant tumors. |

Popular methods
Effective treatment of even the initial stage of a yeast infection cannot be carried out without medication. They are the mainstay of therapy. Traditional methods are used only as an auxiliary method. Although alternative medicine is relatively safe, you should consult your doctor before using it. It will give recommendations on the following alternative methods of treating a yeast infection:
- Take an equal amount of oak bark, verbena, marigold inflorescences, dried blackberries. From the resulting mixture, place in a separate container 3 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of water and put on fire. After 15-20 minutes, strain, cool to an acceptable temperature. Use it to lubricate damaged areas.
- Mix equal proportions of copper sulfate, yellow sulfur, and pork fat. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, bring it to a boil, and then put it in a dark place. Use after cooling to lubricate affected areas. Pre-steam your feet in a soda bath.
- For 2-3 liters of boiling water, take 2-3 tbsp. l. fresh milkweed herb. Put the ingredients in a glass container, wrap with a blanket, leave for 3-4 hours. Then use it for a bath. Pour the broth into a bowl, put your feet in it, soak in the solution for 40-45 minutes. Repeat the procedure at 2-3 day intervals until you make a full recovery.